CEO of vision-OS is Andreas Kuehne, who was , as technical director of the opto-control GmbH and as Product and Sales Manager at SIPLACE, significantly involved in the development of the systems. Andreas Kuehne feels confident in the success of the outstanding OPTRIX 3D AOI-Systems: "Since August, we were very successful in serving the existing SIPALCE OS and OPTRIX customers and now we step forward in offering the OPTRIX 3D AOI to the whole market. I am very confident, that we will continue the success story of the OPTRIX 3D-Inspectionsystems."
The real 3D Inspektionssystems of vision-OS can be used in different positions inside the SMT-line, starting with the solder paste inspection with real volume measurement, component inspection before the reflow oven and final inspetion after the reflow process. Because of its real and highly precise 3D measurement also spezial apllicatione or customized solutions are possible. Several tools with connection to the pick and place systems are available and allow a very fast exact localising of the error and its root cause and make the systems to an indespensable process tool.
The vision-OS GmbH located in Bochum, Germany, with its OPTRIX Insepctionsystems is a profesional manufacturer of 3D Inspectionssystems for the electronic production. A total number of worldwide over 100 OPTRIX Inspectionssystems for In- and Offline use are already installed.